kACE Options Risk FXO
kACE Options Risk FXO - Critical report-ing tools for the front office
The kACE Options Risk FXO module enables users to run the critical reports required for:
- Front office portfolio management
- Risk management
- Decision support
- Client reporting
Its powerful reporting and risk engines also allow reports to be customised in real time, providing an instant overview of position mark-to-market and risk profiles.
Meanwhile, the kACE TS suite of open application programming interfaces (APIs) expands the core technology of kACE Options Risk FXO to power: ecommerce platforms, automated quote responding, quote execution and various connectivity solutions.
kACE Options Risk includes:
- Deal capture with easy customisation of ticket details, ticketing workflows and permissions
- Straight through processing (STP) server can send trades in real time to core, back office systems and/or trade repositories and central counterparties (CCPs)
- Life cycle management tools for options and cash: expires, fixings, end of day processes and rollovers
- Risk reports for portfolio management, risk management and a decision support tool for traders
- Customer based reporting, allowing sales desks and clients to view their portfolios, and trade performance
- They can also conduct life cycle sales management to track sales team performance
- Full support for recording and reporting on margin or sales profit for the various stakeholder desks involved in the trade life cycle
- Sensitivity reports to calculate how changes in market conditions affect a portfolio
- Graphical representation of reports can be created in either two or three dimensions
- The ability to drill down on a position within a report and see the component tickets and their individual risks that contribute to that position
- Dream tickets used to analyse a ‘hypothetical trades’ potential position impact
- Individual reports can be run using a specified market scenario of choice
- The flexibility of kACE Risk allows users to run any report on demand or via a scheduled automated process.
- Automated trigger alerts for barrier events
- Web deployment of portfolio reports